The birthday boy...Miss Wai Luen! who planing to ffk us at first. He probably is the luckiest guy in GBS cause he have two birthday cake! One for..... and one for his dinner which blend with wasabi ^^ We have so many plan for him, but he not willing to join... so end up we just have a "peace" birthday celebration.
“dai go zai lo, sang sang seng seng ah!" By the way, we know you are not superb happy because we can't get Vivian attend ur party right? Hm... may be next year you bring her along, then we help you prepare candle light dinner. Don't you think it is a good idea?
" Happy birthday !! "
We had put a lot of effort to make this birthday card, especially Ewe Yan. And it is sponsor by maggie mee! You better keep it forever and dun let Vivian see o! i know there is somethg inside will make her 'makan cuka'. Teehehe...... :)