Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The storm is coming

Take it easy...... you can overcome it. 

The storm is coming

Sunday, January 14, 2018


在收拾房间时不经意发现了这本书。里头写着一堆多年前的学习过程,但现在已经忘了一大半。也不知是好是坏……浸在这semiconductor 的世界里,还有很多学不尽的东西。至少现在我最喜欢的是design controller 给我无限发挥的机会。Embedded System 是我的最爱。 😊

Power electronics in action

Scheduling timetable

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Maroon 5 - What Lovers Do

Went on a road trip for 3 days and this song kept playing by the radio channel. So the end result is the song got stuck in my head. Gosh~~~ I just cant't get rid from it now. 

Any Maroon 5 fans out there who loves this song? ☺

Friday, January 5, 2018



全新的 2018 一年里, 怎么看都是挑战。有一堆做不完的工作,还有一条长长的列表得完成。不过,如果没有了动力与赤热的心,这些东西完成了也没用。所以,今年最大的难题就是找方向与机会。期望以切都能顺利。沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。