Friday, December 25, 2009

DIY Christmas Tree

This project come to my mind when i saw those beautiful decoration around the mall and friend's house. I start asking myself " Why don't i get my house one?"

So i start up with design and the ways to connect all those LED and IC. Although at first the LED seem can't blink like what i expect, but after i change some of the connection, it WORK! Blink! Blink! Christmas Tree !!

veroboard use to connect all LED ( parallel)
the brain make LED blink...
I actually try to reuse all the material around us to make this Christmas tree enviromental friendly and also save my money. hehe.... but i fail to do it..... Anyway, resource and power efficient can't be maximize at the first generation right? :P

Teehee..... the tree is involving.... now i add in a plastic pot as a protector for all the circuit and battery. After that i had decide to add some leaves and snow on it. Does it looks like real Christmas Tree? But the bad thing is, i finish it exactly on Christmas... ><"

Merry Christmax!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happening X'mas Eve 2009

这世界有个可爱的地方,那就是节庆当天永远都不是狂欢的高潮。而高潮呢~~永远都会是节庆前夕。而今天就是09年的圣诞节前夕了!11am 刚考完Digital System,当一切包袱都抛下后,嘻嘻!也是开始玩耍的时候了!先和朋友吃顿午餐怎么样?Carl's Junior....!


午餐后,我们一伙人就上戏院看Alvin & the Chipmunks。这是一出家庭喜剧,只要不要对故事剧情抱太大的期望,那这绝对是能让全家笑翻天的好戏!之后……看完戏之后……也不知道能做什么了。那就在Midvalley 和 The Garden走走拍拍照吧!这儿的圣诞布置真的很美丽,看来商店的主人家破费不少哦!

晚上阿姨家办了圣诞聚会,所以就到她那儿吃晚餐。那儿是家庭式的自助参,没有什么火鸡,牛排之类的,却有许多阿姨自制菜肴糕点,是人情欢乐的味道。在那儿也见到了很多亲戚,还有许多小顽童。下面的照片将会告诉你,阿姨们的小孩到底有多好动难搞 :P


表姐变圣诞小姐 :)

Monday, December 14, 2009



Malaysian Studies 20/12/2009
Digital System 24/12/2009

下午,向窗外望去,昏暗的天空搭配超强的风势。“树欲静而风不止” 正是此刻的写照…… 看来,大雨将临咯……

Sunday, December 13, 2009

AisKacang @ Old town,Selangor

听说Old Town有很好吃的ABC所以,今夜就到这地方来跑跑。店名为荣记,感觉上像是一间老店的名字了。晚间这儿的顾客不多,但只要有人老板娘都依然会继续营业。点了一碗ABC, 样子看上去是很讨人喜爱的耶!但我妈忽然间抛了一句冷话:“你最好快点吃,不让就全溶完,只能喝水。”刚开始是不明白他的意思啦,但过不久,真的是变成了一碗…… Air Aiskacang ^^

可能是一位这儿弄的冰很薄,环境带点热,所以并就溶得很快吧!椰糖放得适中的Ais kacang, 里头还有花生和红豆,整体的感觉不会太甜,的确是消暑解渴的极品。好吃!


Saturday, December 12, 2009

LHDN 办公楼的怪相

如果不是因为父母要办些手续,以我的年龄应该还“不适合”出现在这里。嘻嘻!不过既然到了,参观一下也无妨啊!不过看了看,里头的设计和使用还真的是有些怪。一进去,先要搭 lift,但奇怪的是,他们的lift 还有分不同的楼层用不同的lift。结果,转了两转才到达LHDN部门的楼层。


在操作的 counter
没开的 counter

对于我来说,去哪儿是无所事事的了,只能等候父母把东西办妥。结果我觉得这政府部门做得最有用处的呢,就是设置这台电视了!很好奇,它播放的会不会是RTM1 or RTM2?很抱歉,就连LHDN也明白没有人想看国营电视台。结果呢, 他们用DVD播的电影是Transfomer! 这的确完全出乎我预料。虽然,他们好像只有一套戏,重复在播放,但还是能吸引坐着等候的人。

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dad's Birthday @ Hartz Chicken Buffet

Today is Daddy birthday! Mom suggest that we go Sunway Pyramid to have buffet dinner. The shop come to her mind is Hartz Chicken Buffet. Since we long time didn't have our meal here, so we just have a try on it. 8 to 10 years back, its only RM15++ for an adult, but now had increase to RM21++( may be there are surprising dishes ?!). But it the end, I found that the food in this shop is disappointed. This shop is going to close at 10pm but around 8.30pm they had stop serving any fresh dishes.....

Anyway, we still manage to fill our stomach full, with those fried chicken and vegetables... not to forget the vanila & chocolate ice-cream ( just this two flavour from unknown brand)

Opps...! i should STOP complain.. Anyway...


customers in this shop not more than 20

Chicken Buffet no chicken?

The best dishes i manage to get ^.^|||

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

“I’m a Sherlock Holmes in the Making”

YaHooo.... This is the first time i take part in Nuffnang Contest. Am i the luck one? Just wait and see.... Last Saturday i went to TimeSquare watch 2012 and found that this movie was interesting when its triller is screening. Especially that guy was get caught and lock on the bed with its naked body.... Teehee... but guys, don't think too much, i think this movie not 18sx :)

I had hunt the two advertisement down.... >.<

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

绿野书香 NOV 2009
