Monday, May 31, 2010

You are fresh gradute!!

我的老板也没什么的,算是easy going 吧?反正就才刚认识他一天。开始和他简单交谈如下

boss : " Steven!" ( shake hand)
me : " Jeff. From MMU "
boss : " Ya. Me too from MMU... before that, never tell others you are trainee. Tell them you are fresh gradute."
me : " oh. Y ?
boss : " Because ppl will lack of confident toward trainee. Remember tell them you are fresh grad."
me : "okie"
结束交谈的最后一句话,他又再重申 " Remember you are fresh grad "

就这样我第一天就从trainee变成了Fresh gradute =.=|||


Unknown said...

fresh grad~! omedeto~!

*~碧芬~* said...

Wah~~ Upgradete to fresh graduate!!
hen hao de kai shi!! Jiayou!!